Kim Hall

- Professor
- Barnard College
- Twitter: @ProfKFH
I am the Lucyle Hook Professor of English and a Professor of Africana Studies here at Barnard, where I teach courses in early modern literature, race theory and black feminist topics. I have an extensive humanities background and a minor technology background. I have been interested in technology and science fiction since I was a kid, probably from watching the original Star Trek. Sadly, I re-watched the first season og ST over break and am still reeling from the sexual threat to women in EVERY episode. Hope I don't look back at Dr. Who with the same horror when I'm in a nursing home somewhere.
Where was I? Right, technology. We only get three skill level choices, but I have created websites over the years using various WYSIWYG programs so I guess I am less than intermediate, but more than an absolute beginner? My interest definitely outpaces my abilities.
I also quilt and do other crafty things.