Category Archives: Session: Talk

DH 101

I am proposing this one, not volunteering to facilitate. The session needs a blend of old hands and novices to work well. There may be some hierarchy here, but some people know stuff and some people don’t know stuff (yet). Talk: situate DH as a field. What cool, useful, and brilliant things can you do […]

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Online and Hybrid Language Teaching

The growing trend to offer courses online (Sloan Consortium, 2004) also reached the foreign language classroom, especially in times in which enrollment for foreign language classes are declining. In addition to the many benefits of online educational settings teaching languages online poses the same challenges as content classes, but also different ones. I propose a […]

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Digiped on the Margins? Navigating Access and Support Issues

As digital pedagogues, we can acquire technological skills and develop a sound theoretical framework for employing them in teaching and learning situations. But without access to the right hardware and software, and without the necessary departmental and institutional support (financial and otherwise), our skills and knowledge remain relatively useless within the classroom.  An effective digital […]

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