General – THATCamp Digital Pedagogy 2014 The Humanities and Technology Camp Wed, 18 Jun 2014 22:09:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Feedback Form, Notes Folder, and Thank You! Wed, 18 Jun 2014 18:25:42 +0000

Dear THATCampers,

Thank you for such a wonderful THATCamp event!

You can find a folder with all notes that were created during THATCamp #digped 2014 here.

Please please please fill out this feedback sheet for us!

We had a great time, and enjoyed meeting you all! Thanks once again for a wonderful (un)conference. (And fill out the feedback form. šŸ˜‰ )

Updated/Revised Session Schedule Wed, 18 Jun 2014 17:01:36 +0000


Day Two Session Grid Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:51:03 +0000


Practicum Wed, 18 Jun 2014 12:24:39 +0000

by Kate Ogden

If you still need sessions, Adeline, I could propose a ā€œPracticumā€ session in which attendees could share ideas on their use of digital humanities in the classroom and in student assignments. Iā€™d start with my ā€œArt of New Jerseyā€ website, which is now 11 years old. Iā€™d love to get newer ideas from others on how theyā€™re using DH in the classroom and in student assignments. I want to attend Rodgerā€™s session on Blogs, so please donā€™t schedule us at the same time!

Maps and geospatial projects in the college classroom: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 12:23:50 +0000

By Diane Harris Cline
Have you used map assignments? Have you tried group work, collaboration, or ā€œcrowd-sourcingā€ with students? If so, please share your tips and tricks. I can imagine using it for complicated plots in novels or for tracking history over timeā€¦. what have you done that we can steal/mimic/emulate? I have not, but want to, and am willing to host this conversation!

Connectivist Learning Principles, Project One, and Beyond Wed, 18 Jun 2014 12:02:00 +0000

Project One, lead by Nirmal Trivedi, is a re-design of Georgia Techā€™s first-year reading program — a hybrid experience focused around a common reading (The Truth of Fact, The Truth of Feeling by Ted Chiang) and building digital community. It hopes to introduce new students to the campus community and to help cultivate their academic identity. Iā€™ve been helping to develop this program over the last several months, but Iā€™d like to use it as an example of the concepts of connectivism — an educational theory born out of the earliest MOOC experiments of the last decade. In this session I would introduce some of the principles of connectivist learning and how theyā€™ve filtered into the construction of Project One in order to prompt a larger conversation about how ā€œusing technology in the classroomā€ is distinct from pedagogical approaches that attempt to understand and harness the affordances of digital culture.

Domain of One’s Own and Web Literacy Wed, 18 Jun 2014 11:53:33 +0000

Domain of Oneā€™s Own, an initiative out of the University of Mary Washington and lead by Jim Groom, Tim Owens, and Martha Burtis, provides a unique opportunity to promote digital literacies and the principles of connected learning across a class, department, or program. A Domain (for short) program provides web domains and name registration for students and builds curriculum around studentsā€™ use of their publishing space. Currently, David Morgen and David Fisher at Emory University are running their own application of Domain, and Iā€™m adminā€™ing a pilot at my university (SPSU) this fall. Domain is not a platform or tool; itā€™s a bundle of web literacy initiatives that focus on multimodal composition, faculty development, and student agency. I propose to introduce Domain, show some of the resources helpful to get a program started, and facilitate a discussion on its utility (and challenges) with the group.

Academic hypertext Wed, 18 Jun 2014 11:47:13 +0000

I would like to discuss the idea of moving away from the traditional academic paper or dissertation to a hypertext “paper.” I like the idea of openness in hypertext that traditional papers do not allow.

#TvsZ and Nurph: A Social Media Game and a New Tool Wed, 18 Jun 2014 11:43:00 +0000

Janine, John, and I (@allistelling) would like to engage THATCampers in a play session — part Twitter game, part investigation of the Twitter hashtag aggregator Nurph. After a brief description of #TvsZ, the game that Janine and I am adminā€™ing this weekend, weā€™d like to play the game with everyone in the room. #TvsZ is part Twitter-tag, part apocalyptic narrative construction; itā€™s designed to teach digital literacy and multimodal composition. Weā€™re going to adapt the rules for a short game and play for about 20 minutes (maybe the game will extend beyond the session?). Afterwards, John will be showing how Nurph can be used to aggregate hashtagged tweets for display and real-time rendering. This session would be a good introduction to Twitter, but also fun for folks who use Twitter often in class and want to see it used in a new way. Have a Twitter account ready for play. Our fourth Internet-wide game of #TvsZ begins this Friday and runs until Monday.

DH 101 Wed, 18 Jun 2014 09:10:31 +0000

I am proposing this one, not volunteering to facilitate. The session needs a blend of old hands and novices to work well. There may be some hierarchy here, but some people know stuff and some people don’t know stuff (yet).

Talk: situate DH as a field. What cool, useful, and brilliant things can you do as a digital humanist? How did you get started? What’s the single best piece of advice that you have for those interested in incorporating insights, tools, and methodologies of the field into their scholarship and teaching practice? If you’re new, why are you interested in DH? What inklings do you have of how it might shape your work or your first project?
